ecoFOREST, cares for the future of our society by developing products that use renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make our planet a better place


With the Heat pumps, you can have heating, cooling and domestic hot water in all buildings. The most important thing to consider is how many energy you will save with the heat pump you will. The other issue is, how many time need your investment to pay for itself.

In short, a heat pump produces 4 kW of energy with 1 kW of electrical energy consumption.

Air source heat pumps Eco AIR PRO and EVI are generally used in small spaces. However, in large areas, Eco GEO+AU produces air source heat pumps Ecoforest. Heat pumps recommended to be used for heating and hot water needs in houses in cold climate conditions are Eco GEO+Basic, ground or water source heat pumps. Because the temperature under the ground is always + 15 degrees and the heat pump is indoors, even if the outdoor air temperature is -35 degrees, this does not affect the heat pump. Ground and water source heat pumps are widely used in countries such as Canada and Alaska in terms of efficiency.

Air source Ecoforest ECO AIR PRO take 70% of the energy from air, Ground and Water source Ecoforest ECO GEO take 80% of the energy from under the ground or water. Ecoforest Heat pumps achieve with 1kW energy, 4-5kW of energy. It pays off the ınvestment in 4-5 years by small buildings and 1-2 years by the large buildings.
Air Source Heat Pumps ECO AIR PRO and ECO AIR EVI are generally used in small Buildings like House, Villa, Office etc. (Outside temperature -25 to +55 degrees is used)

Heat pumps EcoGEO HP The series is industrially used in Big Hotel, University, Hospital, Multi-Storey Residence, Shopping Mall, Lodging, Dormitory, It is used as a central system in schools, factories, large offices, in short, everywhere. It amortizes its cost in 1.5 years. Ecoforest heat pumps with high kW capacity are preferred because they do not take up much space. Plumbing installation, technical service control, central system control is easy. It has remote control with internet connection. Service fee compared to others suitable. It works smoothly for many years with its quality, durability and strong capacity.
By the Big/Large Buildings (Hotel, Hosphital, University, School, Museum etc) The type of Heat Pumps are used, Air sourced Eco GEO+AU and Ground/Water sourced Eco GEO+ HP as central Systems. (up to 3.000 kW) Since the Heat pumps are inside the building, they are not affected by any weather conditions. Because of their high energy capacities and they dont take to much space, they are prefferred. Thats why these heat pumps are Class-Leading and unrivaled.


All our products use renewable energy

Ecoforest cares about the future of our society by developing products that use renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make our planet a better place.


Heating, Cooling, Domestic Hot Water, Pool Heating all together is possible by the Ecoforest Heat pumps.

ecoFOREST ACADEMY was established to serve you better, You can have more information here, the answer to all the questions you are looking for you can find it here.


Our Company condusts R & D studies with companies from Germany, Mexico, Canada, and Israel in order to minimize the costs of, horizontal/vertical drilling, pipeline laying and to apply more easily for Ground/Water source heat pumps. By following us here, be aware of all the innovations and informations.



Thanks to the Internet connection, you can use your Ecoforest heat pumps from anywhere and anytime. control and manage time and benefit from technical service.